The retail and services category consists of indicators which provide figures on various aspects of the retail and services sectors of the economy. These include sales for a multitude of sections of retail and services as well as indexes meant to provide a measure of activity in the sector.

Last Updated: Jul 16 2024, 08:31 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 08:30 EDT

The U.S. Census Bureau conducts the Advance Monthly Retail Trade and Food Services Survey to provide

Major Advance Monthly Retail Trade Report Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 16 2024, 08:34 EDT Next Release: Aug 16 2024, 08:30 EDT

The Business Leaders Survey is a monthly survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that asks companies across its District - which includes New York State, Northern New Jersey, and Fairfield County, Connecticut - about recent and expected trends in key business indicators. Participants from the service sector respond to a questionnaire and report on a variety of indicators, both in terms of recent and expected changes. 

The survey is sent on the first business day of each month to the same pool of about 150 business executives, usually the president or CEO, in the region's service sector. In a typical month, about 100 responses are received by around the tenth of the month when the survey closes.

Major Business Leaders Survey Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 15 2024, 08:30 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 08:30 EDT

Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey provides information on the performance of the wholesale trade sector and is an important indicator of the health of the Canadian economy. In addition, the business community uses the data to analyse market performance.

Major Canada Wholesale Trade Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Alberta Wholesale Sales May 2024 36.44B CAD -5.00%
British Columbia Wholesale Sales May 2024 10.97B CAD 1.63%
Canada Wholesale Sales May 2024 121.06B CAD -1.42%
Canada Wholesale Sales MoM May 2024 -1.42% --
Manitoba Wholesale Sales May 2024 3.630B CAD -1.64%
New Brunswick Wholesale Sales May 2024 1.167B CAD -0.12%
Nova Scotia Wholesale Sales May 2024 1.379B CAD 0.58%
Ontario Wholesale Sales May 2024 45.33B CAD 0.43%
Prince Edward Island Wholesale Sales May 2024 123.45M CAD -2.12%
Quebec Wholesale Sales May 2024 16.80B CAD -0.08%
Saskatchewan Wholesale Sales May 2024 4.539B CAD -0.86%
Last Updated: Jun 6 2024, 11:04 EDT Next Release: Jul 5 2024, 11:00 EDT

The European Retail Trade report contains data on retail trade in Europe. Retail trade is major indicator on the current state of the economy. Included in this report is both data indexed to 2015 as well as both change from the previous period and the year-over-year change.

Major European Retail Trade Indicators

Last Updated: Jun 15 2024, 02:01 EDT Next Release: Jul 31 2024, 02:00 EDT

This report contains statistics on German Retail Sales and Employment.

Major Germany Retail Trade Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Germany Real Retail Sales Apr 2024 111.40 -1.24%
Germany Real Retail Sales MoM Apr 2024 -1.20% --
Germany Real Retail Sales YoY Apr 2024 1.80% --
Germany Retail Sales Apr 2024 138.10 -1.36%
Germany Retail Sales MoM Apr 2024 -1.40% --
Last Updated: Jul 3 2024, 10:02 EDT Next Release: Aug 5 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Services ISM Report On Business is based on data compiled from purchasing and supply executives nationwide. Survey responses reflect the change, if any, in the current month compared to the previous month. A Services PMI above 49.2 percent, over time, indicates that the overall economy, is generally expanding; below 49.2 percent, it is generally declining.

Major ISM Services Report On Business Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US ISM Services Backlog Index Jun 2024 44.00 -13.39%
US ISM Services Business Activity Index Jun 2024 49.60 -18.95%
US ISM Services Employment Index Jun 2024 46.10 -2.12%
US ISM Services Exports Index Jun 2024 51.70 -16.34%
US ISM Services Imports Index Jun 2024 44.00 2.80%
US ISM Services Inventories Index Jun 2024 42.90 -17.66%
US ISM Services Inventory Sentiment Index Jun 2024 64.10 11.09%
US ISM Services New Orders Index Jun 2024 47.30 -12.57%
US ISM Services PMI Jun 2024 48.80 -9.29%
US ISM Services Prices Paid Index Jun 2024 56.30 -3.10%
US ISM Services Supplier Deliveries Index Jun 2024 52.20 -0.95%
Last Updated: Jul 10 2024, 16:15 EDT Next Release: Aug 8 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey tracks month-to-month trends for sales and inventories of US merchant wholesalers, excluding manufacturers' sales branches and offices.

Major Monthly Wholesale Trade Survey Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Wholesale Inventories May 2024 901.72B USD 0.60%
US Wholesale Inventories MoM May 2024 0.60% 189.4%
US Wholesale Inventories YoY May 2024 -0.51% --
US Wholesale Inventories: Durable Goods May 2024 576.18B USD 0.55%
US Wholesale Inventories: Nondurable Goods May 2024 325.54B USD 0.69%
US Wholesale Inventory Sales Ratio May 2024 1.35 0.00%
US Wholesale Inventory Sales Ratio: Durable Goods May 2024 1.83 0.00%
US Wholesale Inventory Sales Ratio: Nondurable Goods May 2024 0.93 1.09%
US Wholesale Sales May 2024 666.73B USD 0.43%
US Wholesale Sales MoM May 2024 0.43% 155.2%
US Wholesale Sales YoY May 2024 1.89% 29.63%
US Wholesale Sales: Durable Goods May 2024 315.15B USD 0.41%
US Wholesale Sales: Nondurable Goods May 2024 351.58B USD 0.44%
Last Updated: May 17 2024, 12:03 EDT Next Release: Aug 19 2024, 10:00 EDT

On a quarterly basis, the Quarterly E-Commerce Report is published. This report provides a single quarterly estimate measuring all retail e-commerce sales captured by the Monthly Retail Trade Survey.

Major Quarterly E-Commerce Report Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US E-Commerce Sales Q1 2024 289.20B USD 2.09%
US E-Commerce Sales as Percent of Retail Sales Q1 2024 15.90% 1.92%
US E-Commerce Sales QoQ Q1 2024 2.09% 64.23%
US E-Commerce Sales TTM Q1 2024 1.125T USD 2.08%
US E-Commerce Sales YoY Q1 2024 8.60% -13.97%
Last Updated: Jun 11 2024, 10:06 EDT Next Release: Sep 11 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Quarterly Services Survey provides timely revenue performance data with respect to the service industry.

Major Quarterly Services Survey Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 23 2024, 10:01 EDT Next Release: Aug 27 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Survey of Service Sector Activity is taken by various retailers, wholesalers, and other non-retail services. The respondents provide information on sales revenues, inventories, and shopper traffic, as well as information on employment, wages, and prices.

Major Richmond Fed Survey of Service Sector Activity Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Richmond Fed Service Average Wages Index Jul 2024 24.00 14.29%
Richmond Fed Service Expected Product Demand Index Jul 2024 29.00 141.7%
Richmond Fed Service Number of Employees Index Jul 2024 -4.00 --
Richmond Fed Service Revenues Index Jul 2024 5.00 --
Richmond Fed Services Price Trends Jun 2024 3.43% -16.14%
Last Updated: Jul 25 2024, 10:02 EDT Next Release: Aug 29 2024, 10:30 EDT (R)

Supplemental Estimates for motor vehicles provide unit data on unadjusted and seasonally adjusted auto and truck sales, domestic auto production, Canadian and Mexican auto imports, auto exports, and domestic auto inventories.

Major Supplemental Estimates Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Auto Sales Jun 2024 251.05K -10.17%
US Automobile Exports Apr 2024 70.59K -13.81%
US Automobile Imports from Canada Apr 2024 43.63K 59.64%
US Automobile Imports from Mexico Apr 2024 75.20K 12.99%
US Domestic Auto Sales Jun 2024 163.06K -11.73%
US Foreign Auto Sales Jun 2024 67.28K -4.46%
US Heavy Truck Sales Jun 2024 41.34K 0.27%
US Light Truck Sales Jun 2024 1.071M -7.01%
US Total Vehicle Sales Jun 2024 15.79M -3.86%
US Total Vehicle Sales Jun 2024 1.364M -7.30%
US Total Vehicle Sales YoY Jun 2024 -4.94% --
Last Updated: Jun 25 2024, 10:47 EDT Next Release: Jul 30 2024, 10:30 EDT

The Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey is a monthly survey of area service sector businesses. Firm executives report on how business conditions have changed for a number of indicators such as revenue, employment, prices and company outlook.

Major Texas Retail Outlook Survey Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Texas Retail Business Activity Index Jun 2024 -22.70 --
Texas Retail Company Outlook Index Jun 2024 -17.30 --
Texas Retail Employment Index Jun 2024 -4.00 --
Texas Retail Future Business Activity Index Jun 2024 -6.40 --
Texas Retail Future Company Outlook Index Jun 2024 1.10 -82.26%
Texas Retail Future Revenue Index Jun 2024 18.60 -5.10%
Last Updated: Jun 25 2024, 10:47 EDT Next Release: Jul 30 2024, 10:30 EDT

The Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey is a monthly survey of area service sector businesses. Firm executives report on how business conditions have changed for a number of indicators such as revenue, employment, prices and company outlook.

Major Texas Service Sector Outlook Survey Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 19 2024, 04:32 EDT Next Release: Aug 16 2024, 04:30 EDT

Retail Sales Index time series is a first estimate of retail sales in value and volume terms for Great Britain, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted.

Major UK Retail Sales Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
UK Retail Sales excluding Fuel MoM Jun 2024 -1.50% --
UK Retail Sales excluding Fuel YoY Jun 2024 -0.80% --
UK Retail Sales MoM Jun 2024 -1.20% --
UK Retail Sales YoY Jun 2024 -0.20% --
UK Retail Sales: Predominantly Food MoM Jun 2024 -1.10% --
UK Retail Sales: Predominantly Non-Food MoM Jun 2024 -2.10% --

Upcoming Reports

Report Name Next Released
Jul 5 2024, 11:00 EDT
Jul 30 2024, 10:30 EDT
Jul 30 2024, 10:30 EDT
Jul 31 2024, 02:00 EDT
Aug 5 2024, 10:00 EDT
Aug 8 2024, 10:00 EDT
Aug 15 2024, 08:30 EDT
Aug 15 2024, 08:30 EDT
Aug 16 2024, 04:30 EDT
Aug 16 2024, 08:30 EDT