The Production & Business Activity category provides information on different aspects of production and business activity for various sectors of the economy. These include sales, shipments, orders, and inventories as well as several indexes to provide a measure of activity, sentiment, etc.

Last Updated: Jul 25 2024, 08:31 EDT Next Release: Aug 26 2024, 08:30 EDT

Advance Report on Durable Goods is one of two press releases per month for the Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) survey. The purpose of the M3 survey is to provide broad-based monthly statistical data on current economic conditions and indications of future production commitments in the manufacturing sector.

Major Advance Report on Durable Goods Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 15 2024, 04:02 EDT Next Release: --

Bank of Spain Statistical Bulletin contains the economic statistics compiled by the Bank of Spain (on the credit system, other financial institutions, financial markets, general government and the balance of payments), a summary of general economic statistics, compiled by the National Statistics Institute and other public bodies, and a set of indicators for other countries.

Major Bank of Spain Statistical Bulletin Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Bank of Spain Assets May 2024 926.06B EUR -0.09%
Bank of Spain Cash Put Into Circulation May 2024 -16.15B EUR --
Bank of Spain Liabilities May 2024 926.06B EUR -0.09%
Spain Assets: Currency and Deposits Q1 2024 2.703T EUR -0.20%
Spain Domestic Demand Growth Q1 2024 2.38% 7.69%
Spain Exports of Goods and Services Growth Q1 2024 -0.21% --
Spain Financial Assets Q1 2024 12.29T EUR 1.20%
Spain Financial Institutions Net Financial Assets Q1 2024 -87.14B EUR --
Spain Imports of Goods and Services Growth Q1 2024 -0.71% --
Spain Inventories Growth QoQ Q1 2024 0.00% --
Spain Unemployment Rate Q1 2024 12.29% 4.15%
Last Updated: Jul 15 2024, 08:34 EDT Next Release: Aug 16 2024, 08:30 EDT

The Monthly Survey of Manufacturing publishes statistical series for manufacturers -- sales of goods manufactured, inventories, unfilled orders, new orders and capacity utilization rate.

Major Canada Monthly Survey of Manufacturing Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 15 2024, 08:30 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 08:30 EDT

The Empire State Manufacturing Survey is produced each month by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It provides an indication of manufacturing activity in the state economy. The survey is sent on the first day of each month to the same group of about 200 manufacturing executives. The New York Fed then calculates diffusion indexes based on their responses covering all facets of manufacturing: general conditions, new orders, employees, capital investment, and more.

Major Empire State Manufacturing Survey Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 10 2024, 22:14 EDT Next Release: Aug 18 2024, 21:00 EDT

Machinery Orders Survey researches the state of the order books of machinery manufacturers, and collects basic material for analyzing the direction of the economy through an early understanding of trends in capital investment in machinery.

Major ESRI Orders Received for Machinery Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Japan Machinery Orders MoM May 2024 -3.21% --
Japan Machinery Orders Received May 2024 3.248T JPY 7.18%
Japan Machinery Orders Received from the Private Sector May 2024 1.323T JPY 17.39%
Japan Machinery Orders Received from the Private Sector Excluding Volatile Orders May 2024 857.79B JPY -3.21%
Japan Machinery Orders YoY May 2024 2.18% 1.94K%
Japan Machinery Sales May 2024 2.942T JPY 15.92%
Last Updated: Jul 17 2024, 09:17 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 09:15 EDT

The Federal Reserve's monthly index of industrial production and the related capacity indexes and capacity utilization rates cover manufacturing, mining, and electric and gas utilities. The industrial sector, together with construction, accounts for the bulk of the variation in national output over the course of the business cycle. The industrial detail provided by these measures helps illuminate structural developments in the economy.

Major G.17 Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 5 2024, 02:06 EDT Next Release: Aug 7 2024, 02:00 EDT

The production index measures the monthly output of the manufacturing industry in Germany. Due to its periodicity, its rapid availability and the deep breakdown by economic sector, it is a central and current indicator for economic development.

Major Germany Industrial Production Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 5 2024, 10:19 EDT Next Release: Aug 6 2024, 10:00 EDT

Global Supply Chain Pressure Index integrates transportation cost data and manufacturing indicators to provide a gauge of global supply chain conditions.

Major Global Supply Chain Pressure Index Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Global Supply Chain Pressure Index Jun 2024 -0.0287 --
Last Updated: Jul 1 2024, 10:05 EDT Next Release: Aug 1 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Manufacturing ISM Report On Business is based on data compiled from purchasing and supply executives nationwide. This monthly report offers one of the most reliable economic indicators available, providing guidance to supply management professionals, economists, analysts, government and business leaders.

Major ISM Manufacturing Report On Business Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US ISM Manufacturing Backlog Index Jun 2024 41.70 -1.65%
US ISM Manufacturing Customer's Inventories Index Jun 2024 47.40 -1.86%
US ISM Manufacturing Employment Index Jun 2024 49.30 -3.52%
US ISM Manufacturing Exports Index Jun 2024 48.80 -3.56%
US ISM Manufacturing Imports Index Jun 2024 48.50 -5.09%
US ISM Manufacturing Inventories Index Jun 2024 45.40 -5.22%
US ISM Manufacturing New Orders Index Jun 2024 49.30 8.59%
US ISM Manufacturing PMI Jun 2024 48.50 -0.41%
US ISM Manufacturing Prices Paid Index Jun 2024 52.10 -8.60%
US ISM Manufacturing Production Index Jun 2024 48.50 -3.39%
US ISM Manufacturing Supplier Deliveries Index Jun 2024 49.80 1.84%
Last Updated: Dec 13 2023, 20:32 EST Next Release: Dec 27 2023, 20:30 EST

The Japan Indices of Industrial Production measure the relative index of various aspects of Japanese industrial production. This includes the monthly production, shipments, inventories, and inventory to shipments ratio. Also included are average monthly inventories as well as end of period inventories for frequencies longer than one month.

Major Japan Indices of Industrial Production Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Japan Industrial Production Index MoM Apr 2023 -0.42% --
Last Updated: Jul 22 2024, 10:10 EDT Next Release: --

The Japan Semiconductor Book-to-Bill Ratio Report contains data on semiconductor and FPD manufacturing equipment. This includes bookings and billings data measured in Yen as well as growth rates for each and a ratio item of bookings to billings.

Major Japan Semiconductor Billings Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Japan FPD Manufacturing Equipment Billings May 2024 28.57B JPY 3.78%
Japan FPD Manufacturing Equipment Billings Growth May 2024 -23.90% --
Japan Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Billings May 2024 400.95B JPY 3.05%
Japan Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Billings Growth May 2024 26.99% 71.39%
Last Updated: Jul 25 2024, 12:22 EDT Next Release: Aug 22 2024, 11:00 EDT

The monthly Manufacturing Survey provided by the Kansas City Fed measures current manufacturing activity in the Tenth district. The survey's accumulated results help trace longer term trends. The survey monitors manufacturing plants selected according to geographic distribution, industry mix and size. Survey results reveal changes in several indicators of manufacturing activity, including production and shipments, and identify changes in prices of raw materials and finished products.

Major Kansas City Fed Manufacturing Survey Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 3 2024, 10:02 EDT Next Release: Aug 2 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) survey provides broad-based, monthly statistical data on economic conditions in the domestic manufacturing sector. The survey measures current industrial activity and provides an indication of future business trends.

Major Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Capital Goods Inventories May 2024 258.37B USD 0.53%
US Capital Goods New Orders May 2024 97.30B USD -0.57%
US Computers and Electronic Products Inventories May 2024 55.17B USD 0.19%
US Computers and Electronic Products New Orders May 2024 24.93B USD 0.08%
US Durable Goods Excluding Defense New Orders MoM May 2024 -0.22% --
US Durable Goods Excluding Transportation New Orders MoM May 2024 -0.13% --
US Durable Goods Inventories May 2024 529.93B USD 0.26%
US Durable Goods New Orders May 2024 282.92B USD 0.07%
US Durable Goods New Orders MoM May 2024 0.07% -71.35%
US Durable Goods Shipments May 2024 284.59B USD -0.37%
US Durable Goods Unfilled Orders May 2024 1.403T USD 0.22%
US Machinery Inventories May 2024 94.58B USD -0.09%
US Machinery New Orders May 2024 37.42B USD -0.50%
US Machinery Shipments May 2024 37.92B USD -0.16%
US Machinery Unfilled Orders May 2024 133.97B USD -0.37%
US Manufacturing New Orders May 2024 583.13B USD -0.51%
US Manufacturing New Orders MoM May 2024 -0.51% --
US Manufacturing Shipments May 2024 584.80B USD -0.72%
US Motor Vehicles and Parts New Orders May 2024 64.82B USD 0.57%
US Nondefense Capital Goods Excluding Aircraft New Orders MoM May 2024 -0.63% --
US Transportation Equipment Inventories May 2024 172.31B USD 0.65%
US Transportation Equipment New Orders May 2024 95.30B USD 0.46%
Last Updated: Jul 16 2024, 10:12 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Manufacturing & Trade Inventories & Sales report provides broad and timely measures of combined changes in domestic retail trade, wholesale trade and manufacturers' activities.

Major Manufacturing & Trade Inventories & Sales Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Business Inventories May 2024 2.558T USD 0.48%
US Business Inventories MoM May 2024 0.48% 39.54%
US Business Inventories YoY May 2024 1.61% 60.40%
US Business Inventory/Sales Ratio May 2024 1.37 0.00%
US Business Sales May 2024 1.861T USD 0.00%
US Manufacturers Inventories May 2024 860.13B USD 0.21%
US Manufacturers Inventory/Sales Ratio May 2024 1.47 0.68%
US Manufacturers Sales May 2024 584.80B USD -0.72%
US Retail Trade Inventories May 2024 796.59B USD 0.63%
US Retail Trade Inventory/Sales Ratio May 2024 1.31 0.77%
US Retail Trade Sales May 2024 609.91B USD 0.24%
US Wholesalers Inventories May 2024 901.72B USD 0.60%
US Wholesalers Inventories MoM May 2024 0.60% 189.4%
US Wholesalers Inventory/Sales Ratio May 2024 1.35 0.00%
US Wholesalers Sales May 2024 666.73B USD 0.43%
US Wholesalers Sales YoY May 2024 1.89% 29.63%
Last Updated: Jul 1 2024, 00:15 EDT Next Release: Jul 30 2024, 21:00 EDT

China's Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index is an index summarized and compiled through the results of the monthly survey of enterprises purchasing managers. It covers every link of the enterprises, including purchasing, production, logistics, and so on. It is one of the leading indices which was commonly adopted by international society to monitor the macroeconomic trends, and played an important role in forecasting and monitoring.

Major Monthly Report on China's Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
China Manufacturing Employment Index Jun 2024 49.50 0.00%
China Manufacturing Expected Production and Business Activities Index Jun 2024 54.40 0.18%
China Manufacturing New Orders Index Jun 2024 49.50 -0.20%
China Manufacturing Production Index Jun 2024 50.60 -0.39%
China Manufacturing Raw Materials Purchase Price Index Jun 2024 51.70 -9.14%
China Manufacturing Supplier Delivery Time Index Jun 2024 49.50 -1.20%
China PMI Jun 2024 49.50 0.00%
Last Updated: Jul 1 2024, 00:17 EDT Next Release: Jul 30 2024, 21:00 EDT

China Non-Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index is a monthly survey that provides an early indication of economic activities in the Chinese Non-manufacturing sector.

Major Monthly Report on China's Non-Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 18 2024, 08:35 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 08:30 EDT

The Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey is a monthly survey of manufacturers in the Third Federal Reserve District. Participants indicate the direction of change in overall business activity and in the various measures of activity at their plants: employment, working hours, new and unfilled orders, shipments, inventories, delivery times, prices paid, and prices received.

Major Philly Fed Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 23 2024, 10:01 EDT Next Release: Aug 27 2024, 10:00 EDT

Each month since November 1993, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond has conducted the survey of manufacturing activity. The survey is sent electronically to manufacturing firms across the Fifth Federal Reserve District, which encompasses the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and most of West Virginia. Manufacturing firms report on various aspects of their business, such as shipments, new orders, order backlogs, capacity utilization (usage of equipment), supplier lead times, number of employees, average work week, wages, inventories of finished goods, and capital expenditures.

Major Richmond Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 1 2024, 19:52 EDT Next Release: Oct 1 2024, 19:50 EDT

The Tankan (Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan) is a statistical survey conducted by the Bank of Japan in accordance with the Statistics Law that provides an accurate picture of business trends of enterprises in Japan, thereby contributing to the appropriate implementation of monetary policy.

Major Tankan Survey Indicators

Last Updated: Jun 24 2024, 10:32 EDT Next Release: Jul 29 2024, 10:30 EDT

The Dallas Fed conducts the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey monthly to obtain a timely assessment of the state’s factory activity. Firms are asked whether output, employment, orders, prices and other indicators increased, decreased or remained unchanged over the previous month. Responses are aggregated into balance indexes where positive values generally indicate growth while negative values generally indicate contraction.

Major Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 13 2024, 10:01 EDT Next Release: Aug 13 2024, 10:00 EDT

Monthly data and the Cass Transportation Index Report provide valuable insight into freight trends as they relate to other economic and supply chain indicators and the overall economy.

Major The Cass Freight Index Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Cass Freight Expenditures Index MoM May 2024 0.01% --
Cass Freight Shipments Index May 2024 1.068 -3.06%
Cass Freight Shipments Index MoM May 2024 -0.03% --
Cass Freight Shipments Index YoY May 2024 -0.06% --
Cass Inferred Freight Rates MoM May 2024 0.04% --
Last Updated: Jul 11 2024, 04:32 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 04:30 EDT

UK Industrial Production Index provides information on the movements in the volume of production for the UK production industries: manufacturing, mining and quarrying, energy supply, and water and waste management.

Major UK Industrial Production Index Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 1 2024, 10:38 EDT Next Release: Jul 31 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Historical Billings Report tables provide data for total semiconductor revenues by the four regions Americas, Europe, Japan and Asia Pacific. Worldwide semiconductor shipments covering 205 product categories by revenue and 241 product categories by units, thereof 57 categories split by the regions Americas, Europe, Japan, China and Asia Pacific/All Other.

Major WSTS Historical Billings Report Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Americas Semiconductor Billings Apr 2024 12.69M USD -7.30%
Asia-Pacific Semiconductor Billings Apr 2024 24.48M USD -15.34%
Europe Semiconductor Billings Apr 2024 4.088M USD -9.20%
Japan Semiconductor Billings Apr 2024 3.613M USD -1.41%
Worldwide Semiconductor Billings Apr 2024 44.87M USD -11.62%

Upcoming Reports

Report Name Next Released
Dec 27 2023, 20:30 EST
Jul 29 2024, 10:30 EDT
Jul 30 2024, 21:00 EDT
Jul 30 2024, 21:00 EDT
Jul 31 2024, 10:00 EDT
Aug 1 2024, 10:00 EDT
Aug 2 2024, 10:00 EDT
Aug 6 2024, 10:00 EDT
Aug 7 2024, 02:00 EDT
Aug 13 2024, 10:00 EDT