Government assets and liabilities consists of data on bond yields as well as figures on government debt and government borrowing and lending.

Last Updated: Jul 2 2024, 19:53 EDT Next Release: Aug 4 2024, 19:50 EDT

Major Bank of Japan Assets and Liabilities Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Bank of Japan Assets Jun 2024 753.67T JPY -0.97%
Bank of Japan Assets: Cash Jun 2024 464.60B JPY 1.18%
Bank of Japan Assets: Corporate Bonds Jun 2024 5.824T JPY -1.30%
Bank of Japan Assets: Foreign Currency Assets Jun 2024 10.52T JPY 2.26%
Bank of Japan Assets: Japanese Government Bonds Jun 2024 584.80T JPY -1.35%
Bank of Japan Assets: Japanese Government Securities Jun 2024 588.50T JPY -1.38%
Bank of Japan Liabilities: Capital Jun 2024 0.10B JPY 0.00%
Bank of Japan Other Assets Jun 2024 904.40B JPY -0.97%
Bank of Japan Other Liabilities Jun 2024 596.40B JPY --
Last Updated: Jul 1 2024, 19:52 EDT Next Release: Aug 1 2024, 19:50 EDT

Major Bank of Japan Reserves Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 20 2024, 06:01 EDT Next Release: Jul 27 2024, 06:00 EDT

The weekly financial statement (WFS) provides the public with information on the Eurosystem's monetary policy operations, foreign exchange operations and investment activities.

Major Consolidated Financial Statement of the Eurosystem Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
European Central Bank Assets: Lending to Eurozone Credit Institutions in Euro Wk of Jul 12 2024 89.18B EUR -1.57%
European Central Bank Liabilities: Banknotes in Circulation Wk of Jul 12 2024 1.563T EUR 0.05%
European Central Bank Liabilities: Liabilities to Eurozone Credit Institutions in Euro Wk of Jul 12 2024 3.260T EUR 0.16%
European Central Bank Total Assets Wk of Jul 12 2024 6.494T EUR -0.05%
European Central Bank Total Liabilities Wk of Jul 12 2024 6.494T EUR -0.05%
Last Updated: Jul 26 2024, 10:03 EDT Next Release: Aug 2 2024, 10:00 EDT

The Federal Reserve utilizes several tools for conducting monetary policy which can be grouped into three categories. These are lending to financial institutions, providing liquidity to key credit measures, and purchasing longer-term securities. These tools make use of the balance sheet and the Credit Easing Policy Tools report provides data for these aspects of the Fed's balance sheet.

Major Credit Easing Policy Tools Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Federal Reserve Easing: Asset-backed Commercial Paper, Money Market, Mutual Fund Liquidity, Facility Holdings Wk of Jul 24 2024 0.00 USD --
Federal Reserve Easing: Credit Extended to AIG Wk of Jul 24 2024 0.00 USD --
Federal Reserve Easing: Currency Swaps Wk of Jul 24 2024 159.00M USD -2.45%
Federal Reserve Easing: Federal Agency Debt Securities Holdings Wk of Jul 24 2024 2.347B USD 0.00%
Federal Reserve Easing: Federal Agency Mortgage-backed Securities Holdings Wk of Jul 24 2024 2.334T USD -0.07%
Federal Reserve Easing: Long-term Treasury Purchases Wk of Jul 24 2024 3.268T USD 0.00%
Federal Reserve Easing: Net Portfolio Holdings of Commercial Paper Wk of Jul 24 2024 0.00 USD --
Federal Reserve Easing: Other Credit Extensions Wk of Jul 24 2024 0.00 USD --
Federal Reserve Easing: Other Federal Reserve Assets Wk of Jul 24 2024 325.46B USD 0.49%
Federal Reserve Easing: Primary Credit to Depository Institutions Wk of Jul 24 2024 6.69B USD -0.83%
Federal Reserve Easing: Primary/Other Broker Dealer Credit Extensions Wk of Jul 24 2024 0.00 USD --
Federal Reserve Easing: Repurchase Agreements Wk of Jul 24 2024 1.00M USD -99.13%
Federal Reserve Easing: Seasonal Credit to Depository Institutions Wk of Jul 24 2024 70.00M USD 4.48%
Federal Reserve Easing: Secondary Credit to Depository Institutions Wk of Jul 24 2024 0.00 USD --
Federal Reserve Easing: Securities Held Outright Wk of Jul 24 2024 1.115T USD -1.04%
Federal Reserve Easing: Securities Lent to Dealers Wk of Jul 24 2024 39.78B USD 9.04%
Federal Reserve Easing: Term Asset-backed Securities Loan Facility Holdings Wk of Jul 24 2024 0.00 USD --
Federal Reserve Easing: Term Auction Credit Wk of Jul 24 2024 0.00 USD --
Federal Reserve Easing: Traditional Security Holdings Wk of Jul 24 2024 1.115T USD -1.04%
Last Updated: Jul 18 2024, 16:05 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 16:00 EDT

The Foreign Holdings of US Securities Report provides information on the cross border financial flows into and out of the United States. This includes data on various US securities held by foreign entities as well as foreign securities held by the US.

Major Foreign Holdings of US Securities Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Gross Foreign Purchases of Domestic US Long-term Securities May 2024 5.279T USD 6.81%
Gross Foreign Sales of Domestic US Long-term Securities May 2024 5.262T USD 3.14%
Overall Net TIC Flows Oct 2023 -83.82B USD --
Last Updated: Jul 25 2024, 16:31 EDT Next Release: Aug 1 2024, 16:30 EDT

The H.4.1 from the Federal Reserve is a weekly report which presents a balance sheet for each Federal Reserve Bank, a consolidated balance sheet for all 12 Reserve Banks, an associated statement that lists the factors affecting reserve balances of depository institutions, and several other tables presenting information on the assets, liabilities, and commitments of the Federal Reserve Banks.

Major H.4.1 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances Indicators

Last Updated: Oct 5 2023, 20:02 EDT Next Release: --

The interest expense on debt outstanding includes the monthly interest for US Treasury notes and bonds, foreign and domestic series certificates of indebtedness, notes and bonds, savings bonds, government account series and state and local government series. The fiscal year represents the total interest expense on the Debt Outstanding for a given fiscal year.

Major Interest Expense on Debt Outstanding Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Fiscal Year End Interest Expense 2023 882.60B USD 22.80%
Last Updated: Jul 5 2024, 15:01 EDT Next Release: Aug 6 2024, 15:00 EDT

The Monthly Statement of the Public Debt (MSPD) details the Treasury's outstanding debts and the statutory debt limit. Debt is categorized by whether it is marketable or non-marketable and whether it is debt held by the public or debt held by government agencies.

Major Monthly Statement of the Public Debt Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Public Debt Outstanding Jun 2024 34.83T USD 0.47%
US Public Marketable Debt Outstanding Jun 2024 27.05T USD 0.03%
US Public Nonmarketable Debt Outstanding Jun 2024 7.782T USD 2.05%
Last Updated: Jul 11 2024, 14:07 EDT Next Release: Aug 12 2024, 14:00 EDT

The Monthly Treasury Statement summarizes the financial activities of the federal government and off-budget federal entities and conforms to the Budget of the US Government.

Major Monthly Treasury Statement Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Monthly Treasury Outlays Jun 2024 532.22B USD -20.66%
US Monthly Treasury Receipts Jun 2024 466.25B USD 44.06%
US Monthly Treasury Surplus/Defict Jun 2024 -65.97B USD --
US Treasury Surplus/Defict TTM Jun 2024 -1.571QN USD --
Last Updated: Oct 21 2021, 12:03 EDT Next Release: Aug 1 2024, 11:00 EDT

The SOI Tax Stats contains information regarding federal income tax returns for individuals, businesses, NPOs, etc.

Major Statistics of Income Tax Stats Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Adjusted Gross Income 2016 10.23B 0.15%
US Charitable Contributions Reported in Tax Returns 2016 233.87B USD 5.42%
US Deductions Reported in Tax Returns 2016 2.187T USD 1.34%
US Income Tax Reported in Tax Returns 2016 1.427T USD -0.64%
US Standard Deductions Reported in Tax Returns 2016 893.67B USD -0.77%
US Tax Returns With Estate or Trust Net Loss 2016 48863.00 -15.46%
US Tax Returns With Taxable Income 2016 5.650M -5.50%
US Taxable Income Reported in Tax Returns 2016 7.330T USD -0.27%
Last Updated: Jul 26 2024, 08:43 EDT Next Release: --

The Treasury Bulletin contains a mix of narrative, tables, and charts related to: Treasury issues, federal financial operations, international statistics, financial commitments of the US government.

Major Treasury Bulletin Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Foreign Public Debt Q1 2024 8.092T USD 1.83%
US Public Debt Q1 2024 34.59T USD 1.72%
US Public Debt as Percent of GDP Q1 2024 122.3% of GDP 0.60%
US Public Debt Per Capita Mar 2024 102.81K USD 1.61%
US Public Debt YoY Q1 2024 9.94% 21.01%
Last Updated: Jul 19 2024, 04:32 EDT Next Release: Aug 21 2024, 04:30 EDT

Public sector finances time series data for public sector finances and important fiscal aggregates, based on the new European System of Accounts 2010: ESA10 framework.

Major UK Public Sector Finances Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
UK Public Sector Current Budget Deficit Jun 2024 8.569B GBP -35.63%
UK Public Sector Excluding Banks Current Budget Deficit Jun 2024 9.451B GBP -33.42%
UK Public Sector Excluding Banks Net Borrowing Jun 2024 14.51B GBP -12.03%
UK Public Sector Excluding Banks Net Debt Jun 2024 2.74T GBP 0.49%
UK Public Sector Excluding Banks Net Investment Jun 2024 5.062B GBP 119.9%
UK Public Sector Net Borrowing Jun 2024 13.59B GBP -12.74%
UK Public Sector Net Debt Jun 2024 3.112T GBP 0.43%
UK Public Sector Net Investment Jun 2024 5.02B GBP 122.1%
Last Updated: Jul 18 2024, 16:00 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 16:00 EDT

The US Banking Liabilities to Foreigners Report data series are based on submissions of monthly reports on own dollar liabilities and claims and on certain custody liabilities denominated in dollars. Quarterly reports are filed for liabilities and claims payable in foreign currencies and on dollar claims held for domestic customers. These reports are mandatory and are filed by banks and other depository institutions in the US.

Major US Banking Liabilities to Foreigners Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 25 2024, 08:45 EDT Next Release: --

Major US Budget Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Government Defense Investment Spending on Department of Defense with Forecast 2025 226.95B USD 10.48%
US Government Defense Research and Development Spending with Forecast 2025 0.30% of GDP 0.00%
US Government Defense Research and Development Spending with Forecast 2025 94.91B USD 1.42%
US Government Defense Spending with Forecast 2029 988.66B USD 2.23%
US Government Discretionary Spending with Forecast 2029 5.60% of GDP -3.45%
US Government Discretionary Spending with Forecast 2029 1.946T USD 0.70%
US Government Grants to State and Local Governments with Forecast 2029 3.80% of GDP 0.00%
US Government Grants to State and Local Governments with Forecast 2029 1.296T USD 3.80%
US Government Highway Grants with Forecast 2025 67.73B USD 8.76%
US Government Investment Spending for All Capital Development with Forecast 2025 847.23B USD -5.95%
US Government Mandatory Spending with Forecast 2029 5.176T USD 3.23%
US Government Mandatory Spending with Forecast 2029 15.00% of GDP -0.66%
US Government Medicaid Spending with Forecast 2029 749.30B USD 6.06%
US Government Medicare Spending with Forecast 2029 1.168T USD -3.64%
US Government Nondefense Investment Spending on Physical Assets with Forecast 2025 40.68B USD 7.43%
US Government Social Security Spending with Forecast 2029 1.926T USD 5.22%
US Government Spending with Forecast 2029 8.313T USD 2.85%
US Government Surplus or Deficit 2023 -6.19% of GDP --
US Government Surplus or Deficit 2023 -6.30% of GDP --
US Government Surplus or Deficit with Forecast 2029 -1.483T USD --
US Public Debt with Forecast 2029 105.6% of GDP 0.28%
US Public Debt with Forecast 2029 36.44T USD 4.44%
Last Updated: Feb 15 2024, 08:33 EST Next Release: --

The Social Security indicator data in this report (barring a few exceptions, see Source for details) is published annually as part of Social Security's Annual Statistical Supplement. This report contains data concerning the costs of, expenses of, and benefits distributed from some of Social Security's insurance trust funds including OASI (Old-Age and Survivors Insurance) and Disability Insurance. It also includes data concerning the specific contributions to and of employers, employees, different genders, different age groups, etc. from and to the various insurance plans. This report may include pre-publication data.

Major US Social Security Benefits Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Workers Insured in the Event of Disability 2023 159.80M 0.56%
US Annual Benefits Paid from the Disability Insurance Trust Fund 2023 151.84B USD 5.83%
US Annual Benefits Paid to Children from the Disability Insurance Trust Fund 2023 7.27B USD 3.28%
US Annual Benefits Paid to Disabled Workers from the Disability Insurance Trust Fund 2023 144.10B USD 5.98%
US Annual Benefits Paid to Wives and Husbands from the Disability Insurance Trust Fund 2023 472.00M USD 3.06%
US Disability Insurance Trust Fund Assets at End of Year 2023 146.97B USD 24.57%
US Disability Insurance Trust Fund Expenditures 2023 154.82B USD 5.70%
US Disability Insurance Trust Fund Net Asset Increase During Year 2023 28.98B USD 55.88%
US Disability Insurance Trust Fund Receipts 2023 183.80B USD 11.35%
US Female Workers Insured in the Event of Disability 2023 77.49M 0.67%
US Fully Insured Female Workers 2023 115.86M 0.92%
US Fully Insured Male Workers 2023 115.51M 0.78%
US Fully Insured Workers 2023 231.36M 0.85%
US Male Workers Insured in the Event of Disability 2023 82.31M 0.46%
US Number of Non-Permanently Insured Workers Fully Insured for Retirement and/or Survivor Benefits 2023 51.50M 0.78%
US Number of Permanently Insured Workers Fully Insured for Retirement and/or Survivor Benefits 2023 179.90M 0.90%
US Number of Workers Fully Insured for Retirement and/or Survivor Benefits 2023 231.40M 0.87%
US Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund Assets at End of Year 2023 2.641T USD -2.60%
US Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund Expenditures 2023 1.237T USD 12.74%
US Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund Net Asset Increase During Year 2023 -70.41B USD --
US Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund Receipts 2023 1.167T USD 10.43%
US Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund Receipts General Fund Reimbursements 2022 183.00M USD 18.20K%
US Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund Receipts Income from Taxation of Benefits 2023 49.76B USD 5.72%
US Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund Receipts Net Interest 2023 63.04B USD -0.78%
US Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund Receipts Net Payroll Tax Contributions 2023 1.054T USD 11.43%
US Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Fund Assets at End of Year 2023 2.788T USD -1.46%
US Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Fund Expenditures 2023 1.392T USD 11.91%
US Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Fund Net Asset Increase During Year 2023 -41.42B USD --
US Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Fund Receipts 2023 1.351T USD 10.55%
Last Updated: Jun 5 2024, 10:03 EDT Next Release: --

The World Development Indicators Report is a collection of development indicators compiled from various international sources. This report presents the most current and accurate global data available.

Major World Development Indicators Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
World GDP 2022 100.88T USD 3.84%
World GDP per Capita 2022 12687.74 USD 3.02%
World Real GDP YoY 2022 3.09% -50.40%

Upcoming Reports

Report Name Next Released
Jul 27 2024, 06:00 EDT
Aug 1 2024, 11:00 EDT
Aug 1 2024, 16:30 EDT
Aug 1 2024, 19:50 EDT
Aug 2 2024, 10:00 EDT
Aug 4 2024, 19:50 EDT
Aug 6 2024, 15:00 EDT
Aug 12 2024, 14:00 EDT
Aug 15 2024, 16:00 EDT
Aug 15 2024, 16:00 EDT