The GDP product contains figures for the gross domestic product of various countries. GDP consists of several components including the private consumption, government spending, gross investment, and the imports and exports of an economy.

Last Updated: Jun 28 2024, 08:30 EDT Next Release: Jul 31 2024, 08:30 EDT

Gross Domestic Product by industry at basic prices is a measure of the economic production which takes place within the geographical boundaries of Canada. It measures provide an alternate dimension that supplements the income and expenditure-based GDP estimates, and constitute an extension (on a monthly basis) of the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts Supply and Use Tables.

Major Canada GDP by Industry Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Canada Real GDP Apr 2024 2.225T Chn 2012 CAD 0.33%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting Apr 2024 41.21B Chn 2012 CAD 0.57%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Business Sector Industries Apr 2024 1.794T Chn 2012 CAD 0.36%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Construction Apr 2024 163.04B Chn 2012 CAD -0.44%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Educational Services Apr 2024 124.19B Chn 2012 CAD 0.26%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Energy Sector Apr 2024 151.44B Chn 2012 CAD 0.92%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Finance and Insurance Apr 2024 159.21B Chn 2012 CAD 0.40%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Health Care and Social Assistance Apr 2024 177.78B Chn 2012 CAD 0.26%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Industrial Production Apr 2024 376.02B Chn 2012 CAD 0.68%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Manufacturing Apr 2024 208.66B Chn 2012 CAD 0.39%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction Apr 2024 117.59B Chn 2012 CAD 1.84%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Apr 2024 295.54B Chn 2012 CAD -0.06%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Retail Trade Apr 2024 116.16B Chn 2012 CAD 0.55%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Service-producing Industries Apr 2024 1.650T Chn 2012 CAD 0.32%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Transportation and Warehousing Apr 2024 93.58B Chn 2012 CAD 0.24%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Utilities Apr 2024 44.20B Chn 2012 CAD -0.23%
Canada Real GDP by Industry: Wholesale Trade Apr 2024 121.78B Chn 2012 CAD 2.04%
Canada Real GDP MoM Apr 2024 0.33% --
Last Updated: Jul 25 2024, 10:16 EDT Next Release: Oct 18 2024, 21:30 EDT

Major China Gross Domestic Product Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
China GDP 2023 126.06T CNY 4.64%
China GDP Q2 2024 32.05T CNY 13.21%
China GDP YoY Q2 2024 4.06% --
China Real GDP 2023 119.10T CNY 5.25%
China Real GDP QoQ Q2 2024 0.70% -56.25%
China Real GDP YoY Q2 2024 4.70% -11.32%
Last Updated: May 24 2024, 02:01 EDT Next Release: Jul 30 2024, 02:00 EDT (R)

The national accounts describe in a quantitative manner the economic situation of a country within a given period of time.

Major Germany National Accounts Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Germany GDP Q1 2024 1.049T EUR -1.29%
Germany GDP YoY Q1 2024 3.60% -35.71%
Germany Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.20% --
Germany Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 -0.90% --
Germany Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 -0.20% --
Last Updated: Jul 26 2024, 08:31 EDT Next Release: Aug 29 2024, 08:30 EDT (R)

The Bureau of Economic Analysis releases quarterly figures for US Gross Domestic Product. In addition to the Real GDP, the report also includes data for income, sales, inventories, and corporate profits. It is one of the most important parts of the National Income and Product Accounts.

Major Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Core PCE Price Index QoQ Q2 2024 2.90% -21.62%
US GDP Q2 2024 28.63T USD 1.27%
US GDP QoQ Q2 2024 5.20% 15.56%
US Gross Domestic Purchases Price Index QoQ Q2 2024 2.30% -25.81%
US Output Gap Q2 2024 11.68% of GDP 2.37%
US PCE Price Index Excluding Food and Energy QoQ Q2 2024 2.90% -21.62%
US PCE Price Index QoQ Q2 2024 2.60% -23.53%
US Personal Consumption Expenditures Q2 2024 19.38T USD 1.23%
US Real GDP Q2 2024 22.92T Chn 2017 USD 0.70%
US Real GDP QoQ Q2 2024 2.80% 100.0%
US Real GDP QoQ Q2 2024 0.70% 100.6%
US Real GDP YoY Q2 2024 3.10% 6.90%
US Real Gross Domestic Income Q1 2024 22.24T Chn 2012 USD 0.33%
US Real Gross Domestic Income QoQ Q1 2024 1.30% -63.89%
Last Updated: Jun 27 2024, 08:39 EDT Next Release: Sep 26 2024, 08:30 EDT

An industry-by-industry breakdown of gross domestic product.

Major Gross Domestic Product by Industry Indicators

Last Updated: Jul 2 2024, 10:02 EDT Next Release: --

Macroeconomic Advisers GDP is an indicator of real aggregate output that is conceptually consistent with real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA). Our approach uses calculation and aggregation methods comparable to the official GDP from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. As a result, you receive a monthly index whose variation at the quarterly frequency mimics that of official GDP, and whose intra-quarter variation is a meaningful and comprehensive measure of monthly changes in output.

Major Macroeconomic Advisers GDP Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Monthly GDP May 2024 28.63T USD 0.38%
US Monthly Real GDP May 2024 22.92T Chn 2012 USD 0.41%
Last Updated: Jul 25 2024, 10:13 EDT Next Release: --

National accounts provide information to analyse the structure of economies and their development over time. They contain a wide range of statistics describing an economy in various ways. The main GDP aggregates provide an overview about key economic developments.

Major National Accounts Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
European Union Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.30% --
European Union Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 0.40% 100.0%
Eurozone Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.30% --
Eurozone Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 0.40% 300.0%
France Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.20% 100.0%
France Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 1.10% 37.50%
Germany Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.20% --
Germany Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 -0.20% --
Italy Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.30% 200.0%
Italy Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 0.60% -14.29%
Spain Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.70% 0.00%
Spain Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 2.40% 14.29%
Last Updated: Jul 26 2024, 10:21 EDT Next Release: Aug 30 2024, 08:30 EDT

The National Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts give a comprehensive statistical picture of Canadian economic developments. The national gross domestic product by income and by expenditure is at the centre of macroeconomic analysis and policy-making in Canada.

Major National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Income and by Expenditure Accounts Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Canada GDP Q1 2024 2.954T CAD 0.07%
Canada GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.27% -95.60%
Canada Real GDP Q1 2024 2.366T Chn 2012 CAD 0.41%
Canada Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.41% 2.13K%
Canada Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 1.66% 2.14K%
Canada Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 0.53% -44.99%
Last Updated: Jul 12 2024, 12:30 EDT Next Release: --

The Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) Budget and Economic Outlook, includes an economic forecast and projections of spending and revenues under current law—known as baseline projections—over the next 10 years. CBO also updates its budget projections each spring in conjunction with its analysis of the President’s budgetary proposals. By showing outcomes if current laws generally remained in place, the baseline projections provide the Congress with a benchmark against which to measure the effects of proposed changes in spending and tax laws. CBO also analyzes the long-term budget outlook.

Major Outlook for the Budget and the Economy Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
US Real Potential GDP Q4 2034 27.80T Chn 2012 USD 0.43%
Last Updated: Jul 25 2024, 10:14 EDT Next Release: Aug 14 2024, 19:50 EDT

Quarterly Estimates of GDP provides initial and final estimates of gross domestic product for Japan.

Major Quarterly Estimates of GDP Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Japan GDP Q1 2024 598.11T YEN 0.03%
Japan GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.00% -100.0%
Japan GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.10% -96.43%
Japan GDP YoY Q1 2024 3.30% -35.29%
Japan Real GDP Q1 2024 555.46T Chn 2012 YEN -0.46%
Japan Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 -1.80% --
Japan Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 -0.50% --
Japan Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 -0.10% --
Last Updated: Jun 3 2024, 10:29 EDT Next Release: --

Major Regional Economic Accounts Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
Alabama Real GDP 2023 241.75B Chn 2012 USD 2.52%
Alaska Real GDP 2023 53.01B Chn 2012 USD 5.35%
Arizona Real GDP 2023 414.27B Chn 2012 USD 2.68%
Arkansas Real GDP 2023 140.78B Chn 2012 USD 2.50%
California Real GDP 2023 3.233T Chn 2012 USD 2.07%
Colorado Real GDP 2023 428.04B Chn 2012 USD 2.87%
Connecticut Real GDP 2023 282.48B Chn 2012 USD 2.10%
Delaware Real GDP 2023 74.26B Chn 2012 USD -1.21%
District of Columbia Real GDP 2023 145.49B Chn 2012 USD 1.02%
Florida Real GDP 2023 1.279T Chn 2012 USD 4.98%
Georgia Real GDP 2023 661.11B Chn 2012 USD 0.81%
Hawaii Real GDP 2023 86.89B Chn 2012 USD 1.97%
Idaho Real GDP 2023 94.91B Chn 2012 USD 3.52%
Illinois Real GDP 2023 875.57B Chn 2012 USD 1.32%
Indiana Real GDP 2023 401.47B Chn 2012 USD 1.38%
Iowa Real GDP 2023 200.44B Chn 2012 USD 1.31%
Kansas Real GDP 2023 182.35B Chn 2012 USD 4.32%
Kentucky Real GDP 2023 225.23B Chn 2012 USD 3.52%
Louisiana Real GDP 2023 238.20B Chn 2012 USD 3.00%
Maine Real GDP 2023 73.78B Chn 2012 USD 1.89%
Maryland Real GDP 2023 421.00B Chn 2012 USD 2.11%
Massachusetts Real GDP 2023 615.15B Chn 2012 USD 1.79%
Michigan Real GDP 2023 547.77B Chn 2012 USD 1.46%
Minnesota Real GDP 2023 383.62B Chn 2012 USD 1.19%
Mississippi Real GDP 2023 114.95B Chn 2012 USD 0.70%
Missouri Real GDP 2023 344.12B Chn 2012 USD 2.22%
Montana Real GDP 2023 55.19B Chn 2012 USD 2.24%
Nebraska Real GDP 2023 144.18B Chn 2012 USD 5.18%
Nevada Real GDP 2023 192.22B Chn 2012 USD 2.66%
New Hampshire Real GDP 2023 91.25B Chn 2012 USD 1.22%
New Jersey Real GDP 2023 656.48B Chn 2012 USD 1.51%
New Mexico Real GDP 2023 105.46B Chn 2012 USD 4.09%
New York Real GDP 2023 1.776T Chn 2012 USD 0.69%
North Carolina Real GDP 2023 625.68B Chn 2012 USD 2.73%
North Dakota Real GDP 2023 58.01B Chn 2012 USD 5.87%
Ohio Real GDP 2023 698.22B Chn 2012 USD 1.24%
Oklahoma Real GDP 2023 201.66B Chn 2012 USD 5.26%
Oregon Real GDP 2023 260.11B Chn 2012 USD 2.12%
Pennsylvania Real GDP 2023 789.50B Chn 2012 USD 2.22%
Rhode Island Real GDP 2023 63.17B Chn 2012 USD 1.58%
South Carolina Real GDP 2023 259.93B Chn 2012 USD 3.61%
South Dakota Real GDP 2023 56.31B Chn 2012 USD 2.46%
Tennessee Real GDP 2023 425.41B Chn 2012 USD 3.23%
Texas Real GDP 2023 2.033T Chn 2012 USD 5.66%
Utah Real GDP 2023 219.18B Chn 2012 USD 2.47%
Vermont Real GDP 2023 35.07B Chn 2012 USD 1.34%
Virginia Real GDP 2023 590.80B Chn 2012 USD 2.40%
Washington Real GDP 2023 672.13B Chn 2012 USD 4.83%
West Virginia Real GDP 2023 80.14B Chn 2012 USD 4.72%
Wisconsin Real GDP 2023 336.46B Chn 2012 USD 0.23%
Wyoming Real GDP 2023 39.32B Chn 2012 USD 5.44%
Last Updated: Jun 28 2024, 04:30 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 04:30 EDT

UK Business Investment report includes estimates of short-term indicators of investment in non-financial assets, business investment, and asset and sector breakdowns of total gross fixed capital formation.

Major UK Business Investment Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
UK Business Investment Q1 2024 60.30B Con 2011 GBP 0.53%
UK Business Investment 2023 240.93B Con 2011 GBP 5.52%
UK Business Investment QoQ Q1 2024 0.53% -61.51%
UK Business Investment YoY Q1 2024 -0.99% --
UK Business Investment: Manufacturing Q1 2024 8.633B Con 2011 GBP -0.74%
UK Business Investment: Non-manufacturing Q1 2024 51.67B Con 2011 GBP 0.75%
UK Private Sector Business Investment: Manufacturing Q1 2024 8.633B Con 2011 GBP -0.74%
UK Private Sector Business Investment: Non-manufacturing Q1 2024 50.35B Con 2011 GBP 0.77%
UK Public Corps Business Investment: Manufacturing Q1 2024 0.00 Con 2011 GBP --
UK Public Corps Business Investment: Non-manufacturing Q1 2024 1.315B Con 2011 GBP -0.15%
Last Updated: Jul 26 2024, 10:14 EDT Next Release: Aug 15 2024, 02:00 EDT (R)

UK Quarterly National Accounts Report includes annual and quarterly data for the latest gross domestic product estimates in chained volume measures and at current market prices.

Major UK Quarterly National Accounts Indicators

Indicator Period Value % CHG PREV
UK Balance of Trade Q1 2024 -3.31B GBP --
UK Balance of Trade on Goods Q1 2024 -41.78B GBP --
UK Balance of Trade on Services Q1 2024 38.47B GBP 5.54%
UK Domestic Expenditure QoQ Q1 2024 1.00% --
UK Exports of Goods Q1 2024 94.20B GBP -3.68%
UK Exports of Goods QoQ Q1 2024 -3.70% --
UK Exports of Services Q1 2024 119.05B GBP 1.04%
UK GDP Q1 2024 688.14B GBP 1.62%
UK GDP QoQ Q1 2024 1.60% --
UK GDP YoY Q1 2024 4.60% -6.12%
UK Gross National Income Q1 2024 677.29B GBP 1.29%
UK Imports of Goods Q1 2024 135.99B GBP -3.97%
UK Imports of Services Q1 2024 80.58B GBP -0.97%
UK Real Balance of Trade Q1 2024 -4.531B Chn 2011 GBP --
UK Real Exports of Goods Q1 2024 78.98B Chn 2011 GBP -3.50%
UK Real GDP Q1 2024 570.69B Chn 2011 GBP 0.72%
UK Real GDP QoQ Q1 2024 0.70% --
UK Real GDP YoY Q1 2024 0.30% --

Upcoming Reports

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Jul 30 2024, 02:00 EDT (R)
Jul 31 2024, 08:30 EDT
Aug 14 2024, 19:50 EDT
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Aug 15 2024, 04:30 EDT
Aug 29 2024, 08:30 EDT (R)
Aug 30 2024, 08:30 EDT
Sep 26 2024, 08:30 EDT
Oct 18 2024, 21:30 EDT