Mutual Funds
Available for US and Canadian domiciled funds, the mutual funds overview page provides a high-level summary of style box and broad asset class performance, as well as an understanding of where assets are moving with fund flows data, so investors can track current market activity and make sound investment decisions.

Track Performance by Style
The Performance by Style module provides a holistic view of AUM and the performance of each Style Category in relation to other categories. Choose between Equity or Fixed Income style boxes depending on what’s most relevant to your portfolio strategy.
Understand the Biggest Gainers & Losers
The Performance by Broad Asset Class module highlights the funds with both the highest and lowest returns on a percentage basis over a defined time frame. Users can choose which Broad Asset Classes are shown as well as define the period they’d like to see. This provides investors with a quick glance at the leaders and laggers for each respective category without needing to get into the weeds.
Leverage Fund Flows to Get a Feel for Investor Sentiment
The Fund Flows and Performance by Category module provides a heatmap view of categories and respective funds by either Fund Flows or Performance over the selected time frame. This module offers valuable insights into market sentiment, investor behavior, and can significantly impact the performance of Mutual Funds.
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