Level Chart

Basic Info

US Consumer Price Index: Used Cars and Trucks is at a current level of 178.83, down from 181.61 last month and down from 197.60 one year ago. This is a change of -1.53% from last month and -9.50% from one year ago.


Last Value 178.83
Latest Period Jun 2024
Last Updated Jul 11 2024, 12:34 EDT
Next Release Aug 14 2024, 12:30 EDT
Average Growth Rate 2.68%
Value from Last Month 181.61
Change from Last Month -1.53%
Value from 1 Year Ago 197.60
Change from 1 Year Ago -9.50%
Frequency Monthly
Unit Index 1982-84=100
Adjustment Seasonally Adjusted
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Historical Data

View and export this data back to 1953. Upgrade now.
Date Value
June 30, 2024 178.83
May 31, 2024 181.61
April 30, 2024 180.52
March 31, 2024 183.04
February 29, 2024 185.10
January 31, 2024 184.15
December 31, 2023 190.57
November 30, 2023 189.44
October 31, 2023 186.88
September 30, 2023 187.65
August 31, 2023 191.08
July 31, 2023 194.70
June 30, 2023 197.60
May 31, 2023 198.79
April 30, 2023 192.65
March 31, 2023 186.62
February 28, 2023 187.71
January 31, 2023 190.42
December 31, 2022 193.01
November 30, 2022 196.66
October 31, 2022 201.17
September 30, 2022 203.94
August 31, 2022 204.84
July 31, 2022 206.55
June 30, 2022 208.69
Date Value
May 31, 2022 207.67
April 30, 2022 206.19
March 31, 2022 209.65
February 28, 2022 216.88
January 31, 2022 215.49
December 31, 2021 211.88
November 30, 2021 204.01
October 31, 2021 197.65
September 30, 2021 191.69
August 31, 2021 192.67
July 31, 2021 195.22
June 30, 2021 196.09
May 31, 2021 179.67
April 30, 2021 166.80
March 31, 2021 152.22
February 28, 2021 151.33
January 31, 2021 152.62
December 31, 2020 153.04
November 30, 2020 154.74
October 31, 2020 156.99
September 30, 2020 155.63
August 31, 2020 147.60
July 31, 2020 139.09
June 30, 2020 135.52
May 31, 2020 137.77

Basic Info

US Consumer Price Index: Used Cars and Trucks is at a current level of 178.83, down from 181.61 last month and down from 197.60 one year ago. This is a change of -1.53% from last month and -9.50% from one year ago.


Last Value 178.83
Latest Period Jun 2024
Last Updated Jul 11 2024, 12:34 EDT
Next Release Aug 14 2024, 12:30 EDT
Average Growth Rate 2.68%
Value from Last Month 181.61
Change from Last Month -1.53%
Value from 1 Year Ago 197.60
Change from 1 Year Ago -9.50%
Frequency Monthly
Unit Index 1982-84=100
Adjustment Seasonally Adjusted
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