Microsoft Corp (MSFT) - Office 365 Commercial Seat Growth (DISCONTINUED) (I:MCMSFTO3)
Basic Info
Microsoft Corp (MSFT) - Office 365 Commercial Seat Growth is at 14.00%, compared to 14.00% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 26.20%. |
Office 365 Commercial Seat Growth data set offers comprehensive insights into the growth of Office 365 commercial seats within Microsoft Corporation (MSFT). As a prominent global technology company renowned for its software solutions and services, Microsoft's Office 365 is a widely adopted cloud-based productivity suite. This data set focuses specifically on tracking the expansion of commercial seat licenses within Office 365, providing valuable information to assess Microsoft's performance and market presence in the commercial sector. |
Report | |
Category | Segments & KPIs |
Region | United States |
Source | |
Data provided via |
Last Value | 14.00% |
Latest Period | 2023 |
Last Updated | Sep 19 2023, 14:26 EDT |
Long Term Average | 26.20% |
Average Growth Rate | -17.07% |
Value from 1 Year Ago | 14.00% |
Change from 1 Year Ago | 0.00% |
Frequency | Yearly |
Unit | Percent |
Adjustment | N/A |
Historical Data
Date | Value |
June 30, 2023 | 14.00% |
June 30, 2022 | 14.00% |
June 30, 2021 | 17.00% |
June 30, 2020 | 15.00% |
June 30, 2019 | 23.00% |
Date | Value |
June 30, 2018 | 29.00% |
June 30, 2017 | 31.00% |
June 30, 2016 | 45.00% |
June 30, 2015 | 74.00% |
June 30, 2014 | 0.00% |
Basic Info
Microsoft Corp (MSFT) - Office 365 Commercial Seat Growth is at 14.00%, compared to 14.00% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 26.20%. |
Office 365 Commercial Seat Growth data set offers comprehensive insights into the growth of Office 365 commercial seats within Microsoft Corporation (MSFT). As a prominent global technology company renowned for its software solutions and services, Microsoft's Office 365 is a widely adopted cloud-based productivity suite. This data set focuses specifically on tracking the expansion of commercial seat licenses within Office 365, providing valuable information to assess Microsoft's performance and market presence in the commercial sector. |
Report | |
Category | Segments & KPIs |
Region | United States |
Source | |
Data provided via |
Last Value | 14.00% |
Latest Period | 2023 |
Last Updated | Sep 19 2023, 14:26 EDT |
Long Term Average | 26.20% |
Average Growth Rate | -17.07% |
Value from 1 Year Ago | 14.00% |
Change from 1 Year Ago | 0.00% |
Frequency | Yearly |
Unit | Percent |
Adjustment | N/A |