Level Chart

Basic Info

Microsoft Corp (MSFT) - Azure & Other Cloud Services Growth is at 29.00%, compared to 45.00% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 55.50%.

Azure & Other Cloud Services Growth data set offers a comprehensive analysis of the growth and performance of Microsoft Corporation's (MSFT) Azure and other cloud services. As a globally renowned technology company, Microsoft has established itself as a key player in the cloud computing industry. This data set specifically focuses on tracking the expansion and revenue growth of Microsoft's Azure platform along with its various other cloud-based services. It provides valuable insights into Microsoft's market share, adoption rate, and overall performance in the rapidly evolving cloud services sector.

Region United States
Source FinChat.io

Data provided via FinChat.io


Last Value 29.00%
Latest Period 2023
Last Updated Sep 19 2023, 14:26 EDT
Long Term Average 55.50%
Average Growth Rate -17.12%
Value from 1 Year Ago 45.00%
Change from 1 Year Ago -35.56%
Frequency Yearly
Unit Percent
Adjustment N/A

Historical Data

View and export this data back to 2014. Upgrade now.
Date Value
June 30, 2023 29.00%
June 30, 2022 45.00%
June 30, 2021 50.00%
June 30, 2020 56.00%
June 30, 2019 72.00%
Date Value
June 30, 2018 91.00%
June 30, 2017 99.00%
June 30, 2016 113.0%
June 30, 2015 0.00%
June 30, 2014 0.00%

Basic Info

Microsoft Corp (MSFT) - Azure & Other Cloud Services Growth is at 29.00%, compared to 45.00% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 55.50%.

Azure & Other Cloud Services Growth data set offers a comprehensive analysis of the growth and performance of Microsoft Corporation's (MSFT) Azure and other cloud services. As a globally renowned technology company, Microsoft has established itself as a key player in the cloud computing industry. This data set specifically focuses on tracking the expansion and revenue growth of Microsoft's Azure platform along with its various other cloud-based services. It provides valuable insights into Microsoft's market share, adoption rate, and overall performance in the rapidly evolving cloud services sector.

Region United States
Source FinChat.io

Data provided via FinChat.io


Last Value 29.00%
Latest Period 2023
Last Updated Sep 19 2023, 14:26 EDT
Long Term Average 55.50%
Average Growth Rate -17.12%
Value from 1 Year Ago 45.00%
Change from 1 Year Ago -35.56%
Frequency Yearly
Unit Percent
Adjustment N/A

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Symbol Name Change %
MSFT Microsoft Corp -0.10%
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