Netflix Inc (NFLX) - APAC Paid Memberships at End of Period (I:NINFCQUX)
Basic Info
Netflix Inc (NFLX) - APAC Paid Memberships at End of Period is at a current level of 57.54M, up from 45.34M one year ago. This is a change of 26.92% from one year ago. |
APAC Paid Memberships at End of Period data set offers an analysis of the number of paid memberships in the APAC (Asia-Pacific) region at the end of a given period within Netflix Inc., a leading global streaming entertainment service provider. This data set focuses on tracking and evaluating the total count of paid memberships specifically in the APAC market. By examining the APAC paid memberships at the end of the period data, researchers, analysts, and industry professionals can gain insights into Netflix's subscriber base in the diverse APAC market, observe regional growth patterns, and assess the company's market presence and customer engagement strategies in the highly competitive APAC region. |
Report | |
Category | Segments & KPIs |
Region | United States |
Source | |
Data provided via |
Last Value | 57.54M |
Latest Period | 2024 |
Last Updated | Jan 31 2025, 08:40 EST |
Next Release | Jan 31 2026, 08:30 EST (E) |
Average Growth Rate | 33.46% |
Value from 1 Year Ago | 45.34M |
Change from 1 Year Ago | 26.92% |
Frequency | Yearly |
Adjustment | N/A |
Historical Data
Date | Value |
December 31, 2024 | 57.54M |
December 31, 2023 | 45.34M |
December 31, 2022 | 38.02M |
December 31, 2021 | 32.63M |
December 31, 2020 | 25.49M |
December 31, 2019 | 16.23M |
December 31, 2018 | 10.61M |
Date | Value |
December 31, 2017 | 0.00 |
December 31, 2016 | 0.00 |
December 31, 2015 | 0.00 |
December 31, 2014 | 0.00 |
December 31, 2013 | 0.00 |
December 31, 2012 | 0.00 |
Basic Info
Netflix Inc (NFLX) - APAC Paid Memberships at End of Period is at a current level of 57.54M, up from 45.34M one year ago. This is a change of 26.92% from one year ago. |
APAC Paid Memberships at End of Period data set offers an analysis of the number of paid memberships in the APAC (Asia-Pacific) region at the end of a given period within Netflix Inc., a leading global streaming entertainment service provider. This data set focuses on tracking and evaluating the total count of paid memberships specifically in the APAC market. By examining the APAC paid memberships at the end of the period data, researchers, analysts, and industry professionals can gain insights into Netflix's subscriber base in the diverse APAC market, observe regional growth patterns, and assess the company's market presence and customer engagement strategies in the highly competitive APAC region. |
Report | |
Category | Segments & KPIs |
Region | United States |
Source | |
Data provided via |
Last Value | 57.54M |
Latest Period | 2024 |
Last Updated | Jan 31 2025, 08:40 EST |
Next Release | Jan 31 2026, 08:30 EST (E) |
Average Growth Rate | 33.46% |
Value from 1 Year Ago | 45.34M |
Change from 1 Year Ago | 26.92% |
Frequency | Yearly |
Adjustment | N/A |