Model Portfolios
Leverage Model Portfolios to visualize portfolio analysis, share ideation with clients and prospects, and monitor portfolio performance on an ongoing basis.
Visualize the Hypothetical Performance of a Portfolio
Visualize the performance comparison between your portfolio and a benchmark with unprecedented ease and quickness. Chart Model Portfolios against economic indicators or interest rates to show how macro developments affect your investment strategy.

Track and Manage the Model Portfolios that Comprise your Investment Strategy
Model-based investment strategies are often used to meet clients’ investing needs based on risk tolerance, age, net worth, or a number of other factors. The Model Portfolios tool allows you to scale the production, visualization, and evaluation of your model strategies to better communicate with current clients and win prospects’ business.
Model the Hypothetical Performance of a New Investment Idea
Explore new investment ideas and strategies through concrete analysis. When an industry catches your eye or you hear of a new opportunity, Model Portfolios can be used to validate and monitor that idea without financial risk or substantial time commitment.
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