Level Chart

Basic Info

Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT) - Missiles & Fire Control Revenue is at a current level of 2.993B, down from 3.171B last quarter and up from 2.388B one year ago. This is a change of -5.61% from last quarter and 25.34% from one year ago.

Lockheed Martin Corp Missiles & Fire Control Revenue refers to the income generated by the Missiles & Fire Control division of Lockheed Martin. This division is a major business segment of Lockheed Martin and is primarily engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and support of various missile systems, fire control systems, sensors, and related defense technologies.

Region United States
Source FinChat.io

Data provided via FinChat.io


Last Value 2.993B
Latest Period Mar 2024
Last Updated Apr 30 2024, 08:49 EDT
Next Release Jul 31 2024, 08:30 EDT (E)
Average Growth Rate 5.09%
Value from Last Quarter 3.171B
Change from Last Quarter -5.61%
Value from 1 Year Ago 2.388B
Change from 1 Year Ago 25.34%
Frequency Quarterly
Unit USD
Adjustment N/A

Historical Data

View and export this data back to 2019. Upgrade now.
Date Value
March 31, 2024 2.993B
December 31, 2023 3.171B
September 24, 2023 2.939B
June 30, 2023 2.755B
March 26, 2023 2.388B
December 31, 2022 3.287B
September 25, 2022 2.831B
June 26, 2022 2.747B
March 27, 2022 2.452B
Date Value
December 31, 2021 3.219B
September 30, 2021 2.781B
June 30, 2021 2.944B
March 31, 2021 2.749B
December 31, 2020 2.866B
September 27, 2020 2.971B
June 28, 2020 2.801B
March 29, 2020 2.619B
December 31, 2019 2.769B

Basic Info

Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT) - Missiles & Fire Control Revenue is at a current level of 2.993B, down from 3.171B last quarter and up from 2.388B one year ago. This is a change of -5.61% from last quarter and 25.34% from one year ago.

Lockheed Martin Corp Missiles & Fire Control Revenue refers to the income generated by the Missiles & Fire Control division of Lockheed Martin. This division is a major business segment of Lockheed Martin and is primarily engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and support of various missile systems, fire control systems, sensors, and related defense technologies.

Region United States
Source FinChat.io

Data provided via FinChat.io


Last Value 2.993B
Latest Period Mar 2024
Last Updated Apr 30 2024, 08:49 EDT
Next Release Jul 31 2024, 08:30 EDT (E)
Average Growth Rate 5.09%
Value from Last Quarter 3.171B
Change from Last Quarter -5.61%
Value from 1 Year Ago 2.388B
Change from 1 Year Ago 25.34%
Frequency Quarterly
Unit USD
Adjustment N/A

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Symbol Name Change %
LMT Lockheed Martin Corp 0.68%