Financial Debt to EBITDA

Financial Debt to EBITDA is a representation of financial debt size compared to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA). Financial debt represents the amount of obligations the firm owes that are non-operational in nature. A ratio of one indicates the financial debt is the same size as EBITDA.

Most firms will have a ratio higher than one; financial debt can be large in size relative to earnings. However, a firm's ability to pay down debt is directly related to EBITDA; the long term solvency of a firm is dependent on earnings to pay down future obligations. Higher ratios indicate a firm that has a larger amount of financial debt relative to EBITDA, potentially indicating solvency issues. Lower ratios indicate firm's that have a low amount of financial debt relative to EBITDA.


YCharts calculates this ratio by taking the average of the last 5 quarters of Financial Debt and dividing it by EBITDA.