Level Chart

Basic Info

US Consumer Price Index is at a current level of 313.05, down from 313.22 last month and up from 304.00 one year ago. This is a change of -0.06% from last month and 2.98% from one year ago.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI), as provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, measures price fluctuations in a basket of goods and services purchased by American households. The year over year change of the CPI, is the most popular way of determining the rate of inflation. It is published monthly and sometimes referred to as the cost-of-living index.


Last Value 313.05
Latest Period Jun 2024
Last Updated Jul 11 2024, 08:49 EDT
Next Release Aug 14 2024, 08:30 EDT
Average Growth Rate 3.47%
Value from Last Month 313.22
Change from Last Month -0.06%
Value from 1 Year Ago 304.00
Change from 1 Year Ago 2.98%
Frequency Monthly
Unit Index 1982-84=100
Adjustment Seasonally Adjusted
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Notes All urban consumers, all items.

Historical Data

View and export this data back to 1947. Upgrade now.
Date Value
June 30, 2024 313.05
May 31, 2024 313.22
April 30, 2024 313.21
March 31, 2024 312.23
February 29, 2024 311.05
January 31, 2024 309.68
December 31, 2023 308.74
November 30, 2023 308.02
October 31, 2023 307.53
September 30, 2023 307.29
August 31, 2023 306.19
July 31, 2023 304.63
June 30, 2023 304.00
May 31, 2023 303.36
April 30, 2023 303.03
March 31, 2023 301.74
February 28, 2023 301.51
January 31, 2023 300.36
December 31, 2022 298.81
November 30, 2022 298.65
October 31, 2022 297.86
September 30, 2022 296.34
August 31, 2022 295.21
July 31, 2022 294.98
June 30, 2022 295.00
Date Value
May 31, 2022 291.36
April 30, 2022 288.76
March 31, 2022 287.55
February 28, 2022 284.54
January 31, 2022 282.39
December 31, 2021 280.89
November 30, 2021 278.71
October 31, 2021 276.52
September 30, 2021 274.03
August 31, 2021 272.87
July 31, 2021 271.76
June 30, 2021 270.56
May 31, 2021 268.44
April 30, 2021 266.67
March 31, 2021 264.91
February 28, 2021 263.64
January 31, 2021 262.65
December 31, 2020 261.56
November 30, 2020 260.72
October 31, 2020 260.35
September 30, 2020 260.19
August 31, 2020 259.58
July 31, 2020 258.54
June 30, 2020 257.22
May 31, 2020 255.94

Basic Info

US Consumer Price Index is at a current level of 313.05, down from 313.22 last month and up from 304.00 one year ago. This is a change of -0.06% from last month and 2.98% from one year ago.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI), as provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, measures price fluctuations in a basket of goods and services purchased by American households. The year over year change of the CPI, is the most popular way of determining the rate of inflation. It is published monthly and sometimes referred to as the cost-of-living index.


Last Value 313.05
Latest Period Jun 2024
Last Updated Jul 11 2024, 08:49 EDT
Next Release Aug 14 2024, 08:30 EDT
Average Growth Rate 3.47%
Value from Last Month 313.22
Change from Last Month -0.06%
Value from 1 Year Ago 304.00
Change from 1 Year Ago 2.98%
Frequency Monthly
Unit Index 1982-84=100
Adjustment Seasonally Adjusted
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Notes All urban consumers, all items.