ALPS O'Shares US Sm-Cp Qul Div ETF (OUSM)
Holdings Overlap
Get a truly holistic view of a portfolio’s total individual security exposure with Holdings Overlap.
Identify Security Exposure with a Single Click
Understand your portfolio’s largest and smallest holdings using the “% Weight” column. Calculated daily, this sortable column lets you easily identify spots in your portfolio with too much–or too little–exposure to any one security. Clicking on any individual security will show all the funds in your portfolio that hold it, and how much the security is represented in the total portfolio.
Compare to Benchmark or Other Portfolios
The “Overview” tab in Holdings Overlap breaks down the composition of a single portfolio, but the “Comparables” tab lets you compare its holdings overlap to those of other portfolios, all on a single page. Leverage this feature to see security-level exposure of one model vs. others, your strategy vs. a competitor’s, or a prospect’s current portfolio vs. one of your recommended models.
Use Holdings Overlap in Reports
A compelling module within every Multi-Comparison Report is the Holdings Overlap Comparison. Looking a layer deeper than a strategy’s fund holdings and down to the individual security level, you’ll readily see the differences between multiple investment options. Holdings data can also be leveraged in several Report Builder modules to help you create the ideal report.
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