Revenue (Annual) Chart

Historical Revenue (Annual) Data

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Date Value
June 30, 2023 211.92B
June 30, 2022 198.27B
June 30, 2021 168.09B
June 30, 2020 143.02B
June 30, 2019 125.84B
June 30, 2018 110.36B
June 30, 2017 96.57B
June 30, 2016 91.15B
June 30, 2015 93.58B
June 30, 2014 86.83B
June 30, 2013 77.85B
June 30, 2012 73.72B
June 30, 2011 69.94B
June 30, 2010 62.48B
June 30, 2009 58.44B
June 30, 2008 60.42B
June 30, 2007 51.12B
June 30, 2006 44.28B
June 30, 2005 39.79B
June 30, 2004 36.84B
Date Value
June 30, 2003 32.19B
June 30, 2002 28.36B
June 30, 2001 25.30B
June 30, 2000 22.96B
June 30, 1999 19.75B
June 30, 1998 15.26B
June 30, 1997 11.94B
June 30, 1996 8.671B
June 30, 1995 5.937B
June 30, 1994 4.649B
June 30, 1993 3.753B
June 30, 1992 2.759B
June 30, 1991 1.843B
June 30, 1990 1.183B
June 30, 1989 803.50M
June 30, 1988 590.80M
June 30, 1987 345.90M
June 30, 1986 197.50M
June 30, 1985 140.40M
June 30, 1984 97.50M

Revenues Definition

Revenues measure the total amount of value that a company brings in during a certain period. This is also considered the "top-line" of the income statement. Revenues are used for all operating expenses as well as other line items which eventually lead to the net income for the company. Revenue is an extremely important metric when analyzing a company. A company with efficient margins is able to turn revenues into the most net income.

Read full definition.

Revenue (Annual) Range, Past 5 Years


Revenue (Annual) Benchmarks