Revenue (Annual) Chart

Historical Revenue (Annual) Data

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Date Value
July 31, 2023 14.37B
July 31, 2022 12.73B
July 31, 2021 9.633B
July 31, 2020 7.679B
July 31, 2019 6.784B
July 31, 2018 6.025B
July 31, 2017 5.196B
July 31, 2016 4.694B
July 31, 2015 4.192B
July 31, 2014 4.243B
July 31, 2013 3.946B
July 31, 2012 3.808B
July 31, 2011 3.449B
July 31, 2010 3.403B
July 31, 2009 3.109B
July 31, 2008 2.993B
Date Value
July 31, 2007 2.673B
July 31, 2006 2.293B
July 31, 2005 1.993B
July 31, 2004 1.802B
July 31, 2003 1.597B
July 31, 2002 1.312B
July 31, 2001 1.261B
July 31, 2000 1.094B
July 31, 1999 847.60M
July 31, 1998 592.70M
July 31, 1997 598.90M
July 31, 1996 538.60M
July 31, 1995 395.70M
July 31, 1994 194.10M
September 30, 1993 121.40M

Revenues Definition

Revenues measure the total amount of value that a company brings in during a certain period. This is also considered the "top-line" of the income statement. Revenues are used for all operating expenses as well as other line items which eventually lead to the net income for the company. Revenue is an extremely important metric when analyzing a company. A company with efficient margins is able to turn revenues into the most net income.

Read full definition.

Revenue (Annual) Range, Past 5 Years


Revenue (Annual) Benchmarks

Workday Inc 7.259B
Adobe Inc 19.41B
Microsoft Corp 211.92B
Synopsys Inc 5.843B
Salesforce Inc 34.86B