Valuation Percentage Chart

View Valuation Percentage for OKTA.
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Sep '18
Jan '19
May '19

Historical Valuation Percentage Data

View and export this data back to 2020. Upgrade now.
Date Value
April 30, 2024 --
January 31, 2024 --
October 31, 2023 --
July 31, 2023 --
April 30, 2023 --
January 31, 2023 --
October 31, 2022 --
July 31, 2022 --
April 30, 2022 --
Date Value
January 31, 2022 --
October 31, 2021 --
July 31, 2021 --
April 30, 2021 --
January 31, 2021 --
October 31, 2020 --
July 31, 2020 --
April 30, 2020 --
January 31, 2020 --

Valuation Percentage Definition

The valuation percentage shows how far above or below its current price the stocks historical valuation is. It takes into account a long-term average of the Price to Sales Ratio and Price to Earnings Ratio and mathematically determines whether the current price is high or low relative to those historic valuation multiples.

Read full definition.

Valuation Percentage Range, Past 5 Years

Jul 2020
Oct 2023