Price to Book Value Chart

Historical Price to Book Value Data

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Date Value
July 25, 2024 3.760
July 24, 2024 3.851
July 23, 2024 3.973
July 22, 2024 3.972
July 19, 2024 4.117
July 18, 2024 4.111
July 17, 2024 4.192
July 16, 2024 4.245
July 15, 2024 4.188
July 12, 2024 4.184
July 11, 2024 4.160
July 10, 2024 3.985
July 09, 2024 3.969
July 08, 2024 3.965
July 05, 2024 3.906
July 03, 2024 3.927
July 02, 2024 3.841
July 01, 2024 3.889
June 28, 2024 4.033
June 27, 2024 3.936
June 26, 2024 3.850
June 25, 2024 3.808
June 24, 2024 3.852
June 21, 2024 3.811
June 20, 2024 3.784
Date Value
June 18, 2024 3.678
June 17, 2024 3.665
June 14, 2024 3.616
June 13, 2024 3.678
June 12, 2024 3.672
June 11, 2024 3.700
June 10, 2024 3.700
June 07, 2024 3.692
June 06, 2024 3.638
June 05, 2024 3.664
June 04, 2024 3.579
June 03, 2024 3.649
May 31, 2024 3.645
May 30, 2024 3.496
May 29, 2024 3.512
May 28, 2024 3.537
May 24, 2024 3.604
May 23, 2024 3.533
May 22, 2024 3.648
May 21, 2024 3.703
May 20, 2024 3.753
May 17, 2024 3.723
May 16, 2024 3.780
May 15, 2024 3.770
May 14, 2024 3.747

Price to Book Ratio Definition

Price to book value is a valuation ratio that is measured by stock price / book value per share. The book value is essentially the tangible accounting value of a firm compared to the market value that is shown.

Read full definition.

Price to Book Value Range, Past 5 Years

Mar 18 2020
Apr 01 2024

Price to Book Value Related Metrics