Revenue (Annual) Chart

Historical Revenue (Annual) Data

View and export this data back to 1984. Upgrade now.
Date Value
June 30, 2023 7.389B
June 30, 2022 7.107B
June 30, 2021 7.341B
June 30, 2020 6.721B
June 30, 2019 6.214B
June 30, 2018 6.124B
June 30, 2017 5.973B
June 30, 2016 5.761B
June 30, 2015 5.655B
June 30, 2014 5.514B
June 30, 2013 5.533B
June 30, 2012 5.468B
June 30, 2011 5.231B
June 30, 2010 5.234B
June 30, 2009 5.45B
June 30, 2008 5.273B
June 30, 2007 4.847B
June 30, 2006 4.644B
June 30, 2005 4.388B
June 30, 2004 4.162B
Date Value
June 30, 2003 3.986B
June 30, 2002 4.022B
June 30, 2001 3.903B
June 30, 2000 3.989B
June 30, 1999 3.886B
June 30, 1998 3.898B
June 30, 1997 3.623B
June 30, 1996 2.218B
June 30, 1995 1.984B
June 30, 1994 1.837B
June 30, 1993 1.634B
June 30, 1992 1.717B
June 30, 1991 1.646B
June 30, 1990 1.484B
June 30, 1989 1.356B
June 30, 1988 1.260B
June 30, 1987 1.126B
June 30, 1986 1.089B
June 30, 1985 1.055B
June 30, 1984 974.60M

Revenues Definition

Revenues measure the total amount of value that a company brings in during a certain period. This is also considered the "top-line" of the income statement. Revenues are used for all operating expenses as well as other line items which eventually lead to the net income for the company. Revenue is an extremely important metric when analyzing a company. A company with efficient margins is able to turn revenues into the most net income.

Read full definition.

Revenue (Annual) Range, Past 5 Years


Revenue (Annual) Benchmarks