Stock Screener
Our Stock Screener brings idea generation into the modern age. Implement your proprietary approach to stock picking with an intuitive, powerful, and fully customizable tool. The Stock Screener saves you time, helps you locate the best opportunities, and find alpha.

Make the Most of Your Philosophy
A unique approach to evaluation can often lead to outperformance, the stock screener maximizes what makes your approach stand out. Custom Scoring Models put your strategies to work, allowing you to identify and weight the factors that matter most.
Access a Robust Stock Universe
The premium data available is made even more powerful using the screener to make sense of large data sets. Create custom formulas, set minimums for revenue growth, maximums for PE ratios, and more using 4,500 financial metrics for 20,000+ equities.
Save Screens for More In-Depth Analysis
Our Stock Screener is fully integrated with the entire YCharts platform. Run a screen once and you can set alerts to be notified any time a security meets, or fails to meet, your investment criteria. Screening results can also be saved as Watchlists, exported to use with the YCharts Excel Add-in, or examined further in Comp Tables and Timeseries Analysis.
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