Mutual Fund & ETF Screener
Our Mutual Fund & ETF Screener gives you the tools, data, and processing power needed to make smarter fund selections. Filter for target allocations, exposures, and risk metrics, then use Scoring Models to create a custom ranking, and save hours per week.

Find Better Managers
A large part of any investment strategy is risk management. The screener can filter funds on 50+ risk calculations, fund flows, manager tenure, and other fund-specific metrics. Set limits for geographic, sector, or individual security exposures to create opportunities and find the funds that best fit your goals.
Filter for the Right Fund for You
The screener gives you access to over 45,000 mutual funds, ETFs, and CEFs. Set thresholds for performance, return metrics, and risk calculations to uncover funds that fit your strategy or your clients’ goals. YCharts can also filter operational information such as expense ratio, manager tenure, and custodian availability to present the best available fund options.
Save Screens for More In-Depth Analysis
Our Mutual Fund & ETF Screener is fully integrated with the entire YCharts platform. Run a screen once, and you can set alerts to be notified any time a fund meets, or fails to meet, your investment criteria. Leverage screen results for more in-depth analysis using the YCharts Excel Add-in, Charts, Comp Tables, and Timeseries Analysis.
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