Revenue (Annual) Chart

Historical Revenue (Annual) Data

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Date Value
December 31, 1998 4.70M
December 31, 1997 2.60M
December 31, 1996 8.00M
December 31, 1995 4.096M
December 31, 1994 1.716M
December 31, 1993 81.90M
December 31, 1992 71.90M
December 31, 1991 65.60M
Date Value
December 31, 1990 77.80M
December 31, 1989 146.20M
December 31, 1988 80.00M
December 31, 1987 82.50M
December 31, 1986 81.30M
December 31, 1985 69.50M
December 31, 1984 44.00M

Revenues Definition

Revenues measure the total amount of value that a company brings in during a certain period. This is also considered the "top-line" of the income statement. Revenues are used for all operating expenses as well as other line items which eventually lead to the net income for the company. Revenue is an extremely important metric when analyzing a company. A company with efficient margins is able to turn revenues into the most net income.

Read full definition.

Revenue (Annual) Range, Past 5 Years
