EPS Diluted (Quarterly) Chart

Historical EPS Diluted (Quarterly) Data

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Date Value
March 31, 2024 0.0133
December 31, 2023 -0.0805
September 30, 2023 -0.0086
June 30, 2023 0.0643
March 31, 2023 -0.0985
December 31, 2022 0.0362
September 30, 2022 -0.0798
June 30, 2022 0.0063
March 31, 2022 0.0744
December 31, 2021 0.252
September 30, 2021 -0.19
June 30, 2021 0.211
March 31, 2021 0.0222
December 31, 2020 0.1161
Date Value
September 30, 2020 -0.0219
June 30, 2020 0.1215
March 31, 2020 -0.0652
December 31, 2019 -0.045
September 30, 2019 -0.0237
June 30, 2019 0.0659
March 31, 2019 -0.0116
December 31, 2018 0.0095
September 30, 2018 -0.0412
June 30, 2018 0.0761
March 31, 2018 -0.0191
June 30, 2017 0.0325
June 30, 2016 0.0558
June 30, 2015 0.0331

Earnings per Share Definition

Earnings per share measures the total net income / average shares outstanding during income period. There are a few variations to earnings per share that are listed including "EPS Basic", "EPS Diluted", "Normalized Basic EPS", and "Normalized Diluted EPS". Each of these metrics are dependent on which earnings and shares outstanding metrics are used. Basic and Diluted EPS differ in that diluted shares are the amount of shares outstanding after all convertible securities, options, and warrants are exercised. Normalized EPS allows does not include one-time expenses.

Read full definition.

EPS Diluted (Quarterly) Range, Past 5 Years

Sep 2021
Dec 2021
Jun 2022

EPS Diluted (Quarterly) Benchmarks